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Ehawkins's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ehawkins's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

So, it isn't worth preserving our history? Pennies have been part of the American economy for hundreds of years. What are we going to get rid of next? A penny saved is a penny earned is a beautiful sentiment. Millennials no longer see a point in doing something that's a waste. You know what is a true waste? Leaving the America we know and love behind.

1 point

So, in your argument people who commit treason should be executed? Weren't many of our founding fathers considered treasonous rebels. You are going to be on the wrong side of history here. Also, cost... so it's cheaper to have people have one child. Should we disallow more than on child in a family? It's easier on the economy. What's next euthanasia?

1 point

So, we have 100% proof that every single person convicted of a crime is guilty. It must be nice to live in your perfectly black and white world where the criminal justice systems doesn't persecute African Americans at a high rate than their white counterparts. I live in America where DNA has gotten many people's conviction reversed and where people in poverty don't have a defense.

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