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English 1101

Hiiiiiiii's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

no. yeehaw. lets make it as easy as purchasing milk at your local supermarket. #maga #Merica


1 point

No, they offer unfair advantages to athletes who decide to use them. Improper use can have very negative health side effects.

1 point

I believe the parents should choose. With the information available the are entitled to make a choice. otherwise when would the child choose? what if the choose wrong? can they change gender whenever they want? what will the child do until a gender is chosen? surely you couldn't expect a 6 year old to decide. think about how many choices parents make for their children before they are 18.

1 point

4 quarters vs. 100 pennies that cost more money than they are worth

1 point

There has been a misunderstanding on the idea that bottled water is better and cleaner than tap water. The reality behind it is wrong. Tap water is maintained under very strict rules than bottled water. This makes it even safer to use tap water than bottled water. If people could understand this then there would be no use of plastic water bottles and should then be banned. People would use reusable containers and bottled and drastically reduce wasteful plastic.

1 point

Today there isn't anything you can buy with a single penny and you can’t do much else with it either. Vending machines don’t accept them and neither do parking meters. Plus they are bad for the environment! And above all they cost the government money(our tax dollars).

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