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19shansen's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 19shansen's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Of course they didn’t give the person the choice to die, they chose to do that. they also didn’t ask for whatever imbalance they obviously have in their brain, that makes them capable of doing horrendous things.

What about all of the rapists, and perverts walking the streets already? That our community/system knows about and has let walk?

By facilitating someone that doesn’t necessarily mean we are taking care of them. They would practically be used as a tool for preventing these horrible things from happening again, while giving them a base of getting “better” whatever that term would mean in that specific circumstance.

1 point

We should keep the penny because although they aren’t worth that much they add up fast, kind of like the dollar bill. If we took it away there would still be tons and tons of them floating around so in my opinion it would be pointless, to take them away.

1 point

Nobody should be given the decision, or choice to take someone else’s life. Even if the crime is incredibly wrong or horrible, such as murder, rape, etc. what gives another person or a group of people the right to take away someone else’s life when there are so many other options to facilitate someone.

For example, Do you think that a person that is able to murder or rape someone is 100% mentally okay? They must have something wrong to make them capable of such a horrible thing. We should facilitate, and try and figure out what makes them the way they are so we can catch these things from happening again.

If we make the death penalty legal, what is that going to mean for our future? When will we draw the line, between a crime worthy of murder, and a crime that deserves leeway?

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